Announcing the 2024 National Association of Conservation Districts Stewardship Week Theme: May The Forest Be With You Always.

The educational materials are available for FREE download. More details may be found on the NACD Contest website. Teachers: here’s some resources to integrate the contest into the curriculum | Empowering Actions lesson plan | Tree Life Cycle activity.

Each Soil & Water Conservation District is welcome to host local 2024 poster and photo competitions.

The AISWCD Auxiliary’s annual POSTER Contest is open to public, private, and home-schooled students – K-12th grade – and must be hosted through a district office. The winning posters in each district must be scanned (quality of submissions is for judging) and emailed along with a poster entry form for each by May 15, 2024 to the AISWCD office via

All winning District submissions will be included in the State Competition during the June Quarterly Board of Directors meeting in Springfield. A separate poster entry form must accompany each entry, preferably scanned at the same time as the entry piece. All student entries must include a parental signature to move forward.

The AISWCD Auxiliary’s annual Photo Contest is open to all amateur photographers who reside in Illinois. Contestants are allowed to enter as many as five photos each that fit into one of these following four categories.

The winning photos in each district must be scanned (quality of submissions is for judging) and emailed along with a separate photo entry form for each piece by May 15, 2024 to the AISWCD office to

The winning district submissions will be included in the state competition during the June Quarterly Board of Directors meeting in Springfield. A separate photo entry form must accompany each entry, preferably scanned at the same time as the entry piece. All student entries must include a parental signature to move forward. One winner will be selected for each category and age division (adults are 19 and older as of December 1, 2024.)


We are very excited to see what students are creating for this year’s poster contest theme May the Forest Be with You Always. As a new addition this year, NACD is introducing a Braille Poster Contest for students who are blind or with vision loss, and an Additional Assist Poster Contest for students who may benefit from additional assistance with creating their posters. Public, private, and home-schooled students are all invited to create posters that celebrate inclusivity and conservation. As a reminder, districts must submit a JPEG of their winning posters, along with a poster entry form, by May 15, 2024, to the AISWCD Office at to be judged at the June Quarterly Board Meeting.

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