Allen DeCrane was honored with the 2024 Outstanding Forestry Contribution Award, and received his trophy from AISWCD President Tom Beyers at the MAGIC of Conservation conference in July.

The AISWCD’s Outstanding Forestry Contribution Award is a prestigious accolade that recognizes individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the field of forestry. This award celebrates outstanding achievements in promoting sustainable forest management, conservation, and the advancement of forestry practices.

The Henry County Soil and Water Conservation District proudly nominated Allen DeCrane of Galva. Allen’s dedication to conservation and community education exemplifies the high standards set by the district for soil and water conservation. His forestry plan and farm serve as a beacon of environmental stewardship, transforming his property into a thriving wildlife haven and a model of sustainable farming practices.

Over the past 30 years, Allen has converted more than 40 percent of his farm into permanent cover and wildlife habitat through the Federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). This “conservation conversion” includes 74 acres of cool season grasses, native grasses and forbs, hardwood tree plantings, riparian buffers, and food plots. These efforts have dramatically mitigated soil and water conservation issues, while enhancing wildlife habitat and natural beauty. His farm now supports a diverse array of wildlife, including deer, quail, pheasants, turkeys, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, and opossums.

Beyond his farm, Allen has been a dedicated advocate for conservation through public education and community service. He has hosted numerous public tours, including NRCS/SWCD Conservation Tours, QDMA Tours, 4H Tours, and Garden Walk Tours, sharing his professional knowledge and experiences in natural resource conservation. His involvement extends to local community organizations such as the Quality Deer Management Association, the American Legion, and the local food pantry.

Allen’s collaboration with the Henry County FSA, SWCD, and NRCS offices, coupled with funding from the CRP, has turned his on-farm goals into a reality. His commitment to conservation, public education, and community service has transformed his farm into a responsible, sustainable, educational, and beautiful wildlife haven. For his outstanding conservation stewardship and unmatched community generosity, thank you to Allen DeCrane. 

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