Inviting all SWCD directors and staff to seize the opportunity to engage with state legislators and statehouse staff Tuesday May 7, 2024 in Springfield to emphasize the crucial role Soil and Water Conservation Districts play in safeguarding our state’s vital natural resources: soil and water.

Join the Illinois Soybean Association, University of Illinois Extension, American Farmland Trust, Illinois Stewardship Alliance, the Illinois Environmental Council, and others in this Loyal to the Soil Outreach and Education Day.


8:30-9:30 am – Breakfast and Legislative visit coordination (Illinois State Museum/basement classroom)
9:30-11:45 am – Legislative visits (Capitol & Stratton buildings)
12:00-12:30 pm – Loyal to the Soil Rally (Abraham Lincoln Statue)
12:30-3:00 pm – Legislative visits (Capitol & Stratton buildings)
3:00 pm – Loyal to the Soil social (Boone’s Saloon, 301 W. Edwards St.)

  • Limited hotel accommodations available to those seeking to stay May 7. Contact aiswcd if you desire lodging (or have questions).
  • Free Loyal to the Soil T-shirts for all registered attendees. Include size in RSVP.
  • Registration required by April 26.

Hope all 97 districts can join the effort to showcase the value and impact of the SWCD system.

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