At the AISWCD annual meeting, the SWCD directors passed a resolution to establish a petition to restore the SWCD Operations funding.

We are seeking to get a minimum of 100 signatures from the supporters of each of the 97 Soil & Water Conservation District, to show deep support in all 102 counties across the state.

You can share this link with your network online. And ask everyone to pass on the link to 3 friends.

You can also download a paper petition at this link and take them to your county fairs, local events and ask your vital stakeholders to sign the petition.

We want clean water, and healthy soil – restore state funding to Soil & Water Conservation Districts

Illinois’ 97 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) experienced a substantial funding shortfall in the FY 2025 state budget. SWCD operations funding was reduced by $4 million from $8.5 million in FY 24 to $4.5 million in FY 25. The shortfall will lead to the loss of trained and qualified Soil and Water Conservation District employees which will take years of training to replace. Without sufficient funding, employees, much like unprotected soil, will erode away.

We the undersigned residents of Illinois’ 97 local Soil and Water Conservation Districts from across the State of Illinois do respectfully request FY 25 SWCD operations funding be returned to level funding based on FY 24 funded appropriations.

If you have questions, contact AISWCD President Dale Shumaker or the AISCWD staff.

We will present the signatures (both online and paper) to legislators, the governor, and state officials to show the deep support for SWCD work.

Please remember this is to be a district director-led initiative, staff should not use work time to complete this request. Do not leave on SWCD counter, or in federal offices. Bring the petition to your supporters. Staff may assist during their personal time.

Petitions certainly are common in our contemporary world. They provide a trusted outlet to express opinions, persuading legislators, and, ultimately, influencing the political landscape, as individuals and as part of a group.

Stronger together,

Michael Woods
AISWCD Executive Director

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