Stewardship Week

The National Association of Conservation Districts and AISWCD celebrate “Stewardship Week” each spring! The 65th annual celebration is April 26th through May 3rd, 2020! Tag us in your social media posts using the following tags: @AISWCD @NACDConserve. Don’t forget to use hashtags #ILSWCDs #NACDStewardshipWeek #PollinatorsAtWork #DistrictsAtWork. Learn more about Stewardship Read more…

10 Reasons to Say Yes to Illinois SWCDs

Soil and Water Conservation Districts work to protect Illinois’ greatest assets–the rich,fertile soils and water resources of the state through strategic conservation efforts. Soil and Water Conservation Districts,or SWCDs, have for decades overplayed a central role in efforts to sustain the viability of Illinois’ natural resources for future generations by Read more…

2020 Illinois Envirothon Competition

The AISWCD is proud to host the Illinois Envirothon Competition each year. Envirothon is an academic competition featuring teams of high school aged students from across Illinois. Please click here to learn more or get involved!  

Foundation News: Hawkins Park Grant 2019

FOUNDATION NEWS Hawkins Park Grant Trevor Edmonson | Kankakee Daily Journal | Dec 19, 2019 At the most recent Limestone Township Park District board meeting, it was announced the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation had awarded a $9,000 grant for native plantings at Hawkins Park in Limestone Township. Getting this Read more…

AISWCD Releases Annual Report

The AISWCD works hard to advocate for it’s membership  and advance conservation in Illinois. We are pleased to share the release of our 2019 Annual Report which celebrates the Association’s many accomplishments over the course of the past year. Clean water, healthy soils! Please click HERE to view the report. Read more…

No-Till November

No-Till November is underway! Keep the stubble! No-till prevents erosion and builds soil health, and can also pad farmers’ bottom lines. #KeepTheStubble #DoNotDisturb   Using No-Till this Fall Give your farm a rugged, natural look By Spencer Miller | USDA-NRCS  Many farmers till during the fall. This year, we encourage Read more…